Monday, February 21, 2011

We have questions that need answers and Answers that need questions. Here’s a list of question we have asked. Are there any responses that you can of?

1. Find a personal picture or song (on the web or in your own collection) that inspires your beliefs, spirituality or religion and put into words [as best as you can] what, why and how you are inspired.
2. What do the words RELIGION, FAITH, SPIRITUALITY represent to you and do you think everyone "needs" to have any of these to be happy, well adjusted contributing member of society?.
3. Most cultures support the tradition that spirituality and wisdom increase with age - do you agree or disagree. State why and post [if you can find] a culture, religion or other on the web that correlates with your thought process.
4. On a personal level as you aged did you sway from your original [taught] belief system? Do you believe this change was due to different adversities, life changes you coped with or was it something less severe such as aging?
5. Research up to two different faiths/spiritualism/belief systems [other than your current one] - Give the websites used in this research and if you had to choose or wanted to choose a different path which of these would make most sense to you and why?
6. Find and post a website with information about the God gene.

7. What are some old myths or fairy tales that depict older people as being wise or having special powers?
8. Can you explain some of the main differences between Spirituality and Religion?
9. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development is a widely accepted notion and is described in his famous “Heinz Dilemma”. Can you think of another widely known moral dilemma that is depicted in a story?


  1. Jessica, great questions! I have created a post showing pictures of places I feel are spiritual.

  2. I think I'm going to do that as well... The pics are just awe inspiring!

  3. On a personal level as you aged did you sway from your original [taught] belief system? Do you believe this change was due to different adversities, life changes you coped with or was it something less severe such as aging?

    Although I've become a more spiritual person as I've become older, I don't think that my beliefs have changed much. I like to think that they've become more refined as I've encountered more life experiences. Certain things have made me reflect more on my own belief system but have never really shaken or changed my beliefs. I think that different experiences make us look into areas that we might not have focused on yet. For me, it's kind of like adding to a collection. I don't practice a traditional religion with a certain set of beliefs, so when I find something that strikes me as a truth, I add it to what I already believe.
