Saturday, February 19, 2011

Conflict of Moral Reasoning

As a child, I was raised by many people including, my mother, my uncle, foster parents and group home supervisors.  I did not attend church nor was taught any religion.  My curiosity of spirituality and religion came when I found out I was pregnant at 18 years old.  The father of my child grew up in a strict Catholic home and his family was disappointed in the fact that we were not married but I was pregnant.  My family and friends thought I should have an abortion because I recently graduated high school and had many emotional issues, obviously not ready to raise a child.  My significant other felt we should get married and raise our child.
            This is when a conflict of moral reasoning entered my life, what was the right or wrong decision to make?  I knew I did not want to have an abortion but knew I did not want my child to have a childhood similar to my own.  I did not want to get married because I was pregnant but was willing to give our family a chance.  My lifestyle of parties and friends changed to researching how to become a good parent, finding a full time job and finding a home for my new family. 
            My significant other helped me to learn about religion and what the Bible meant to his family.  I attended night classes at a local college and took classes on early childhood development and human development.  I met with a family counselor to help cope with the stress and pain of my past.  All these things were done because I felt I was no longer responsible for just myself, I was now responsible for another life. 
            I eventually married my daughter’s father, got a degree in education and became a teacher.  I learned to enjoy life and to see the positive side to everything.  I believe things happen for a reason, I became pregnant at 18 years old so I could make a difference.  I know people do not always agree with my decisions because of their own religious or moral beliefs, but I learned to trust my own heart and feelings and take one day at a time.
            I truly feel my pregnancy saved my life, bringing hope and happiness, two things I never felt as a child.  My daughter is now a talented, caring, wonderful 19 year old, who still brings the same joy to my life she did when she was born.
   Post by, Christine Deyo


  1. This is so REAL! I am so grateful for people who throw their whole self into their children. Even though I think we should be In this world and not Of it, I do think the only way to impact and better the future is to change the life of a child!!! Great Post Christine!

  2. Wow ... I am blown away by the honesty you have put forth in this blog! It is so great to have such an inspiring story (there is so much depressing news). You and your family took a very difficult situation and brought something positive and spiritual to the forefront - you are definetely an inspiration to your daughter.

  3. Christine,

    I believe that the challenges we face in life are tailor made to teach us the lessons we need to learn. I think this is why some people seem to have the same difficulties happen to them over and over again. It's because they haven't learned that lesson yet. You are obviously a quick learner! By putting all of your efforts into raising your daughter in a healthy family, you were able to change your life and the lives of others as well. What a wonderful story.

    Jenn Stone
